Polar Bear Explorer
Explore the stunning Spitsbergen Archipelago aboard the M/V Kinfish - intimate ship charters focusing on sightings of the amazing polar bear and other Arctic wildlife of Svalbard.
From 8095 per personWatch a variety of whales leaping from Svalbard’s rich wild waters, a behaviour known as breaching. Humpbacks are a highly migratory species of baleen whale, their songs are renowned for their beauty and they are well known for being extremely intelligent. Despite mainly feeding on krill, the Blue whale is the largest animal on the planet. Slimmer and faster, the Fin whale is the world’s second largest animal. The smallest of all the baleen whales, minke whales are abundant and characterised by their dorsal fin. Belguas are social creatures, hanging out in pods ranging from two to twenty five and have the uncanny ability to almost replicate recognisable emotions.
These solitary creatures can be spotted relaxing on passing ice floes, they have white whiskers on their face which are supremely sensitive, helping them to find food in the ocean. Easy to recognise, their body looks too big for its front flippers.
The northernmost herbivorous mammal in the world, the smallest of all reindeer is endemic to the region. Males grow their antlers between April and July before shedding their velvet in August, whilst the females’ antlers grow in June and maintain throughout the year.